What Are Golf Cart Communities

What Are Golf Cart Communities?

Golf cart communities are an increasingly popular choice for many people when they are looking for somewhere to live. The lure of being able to get your shopping or visit the doctor’s office just using a golf cart is a strong one particularly for the elderly or retired.

The added bonus of reduced noise and pollution means more people are thinking about moving to home in a golf cart development.

It’s not just golfers that are moving in either.

Is A Golf Cart Community Worth It?

Golf cart communities are popping up all over the country as people look for a different, more active type of lifestyle. While many residents will be interested in the golfing and other leisure options available in the development others will just be looking for a more peaceful environment while still having facilities close at hand.

These communities usually have special rules that allow golf carts on the roads. If you want to visit some friends who aren’t in waling distance then you can hop in your golf cart rather than having to take the car.

Some people find golf cart communities to be a great way to get exercise and fresh air because its much safer to be walking without cars around. Others enjoy the social aspect of being able to chat with their neighbors while taking a golf cart ride around the community. If you’re thinking about looking for a new home, you may want to find such a community in your area.

Positives Of Golf Cart Community Living

Golf cart communities grown in popularity in the United States during recent years. There are many benefits to living in a golf cart community. For one, golf carts make it easy to get around. Many golf cart communities have plenty of golf carts that residents can use to get around. Golf cart owners can take their golf carts to the grocery store, the library, and even to work. In addition, electric golf carts are much cheaper to operate than cars. This means that residents can save money on transportation costs. Finally, living in a golf cart development can be a great way to meet new people and make friends. Many communities host social events that residents can attend. These events are a great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends.

Is the golf cart lifestyle for you? Here are some of the positives of living in a cart community:

Should Be Quieter

Electric golf carts are becoming more popular as people look for ways to reduce noise pollution. They should be quieter than a gas-powered vehicle, car or cart. Gas-powered golf carts can be quite loud, especially when going up hills. Electric golf carts don’t have this problem because they rely on batteries for power. This makes them much quieter than gas-powered golf carts.

Lower Fuel Consumption

It depends on what sort of car you drive but generally speaking a golf cart uses less gas than a car, which means lower fuel costs. You can probably get around 40mpg which most cars will struggle to do on short stop-start journeys. Golf carts are also much smaller and more maneuverable than cars, making them ideal for getting around on a golf course or other large property.

Less Environmental Damage

Golf carts are much better for the environment than regular cars. They don’t produce as much pollution, and they use fewer resources during manufacturing. This means that they have a smaller carbon footprint, and they’re overall just better for the environment. Of course I suppose in reality it would be best to avoid both cars and golf carts.


Golf carts are convenient and easy to use. They are smaller than cars and can be used for shopping or short trips. Golf carts are a great way to get around and are very affordable. Plus the design of many communities means everything you need is easily accessible with a cart.

Easier To Maintain

Golf carts are much easier to take care of than cars. You don’t need to take them to the garage or mechanic for regular maintenance or repairs – you can often do it yourself! Even if you’re not a DIY expert, it’s easy to find online tutorials and videos that show you how to take care of your golf cart. When more complicated repairs are necessary they should work out much cheaper than a car too.

Golf Cart Pricing

Golf carts are relatively inexpensive compared to cars, they can be a convenient and fun way to get around the golf course.

Negatives Of Golf Cart Community Living

Golf carts have become a popular mode of transportation with many being adapted for use on public roads. People who live in these communities love the convenience and lifestyle that golf carts provide. However, there are some negatives to life in a golf cart neighborhood.

One of the biggest problems is that golf carts can only travel a few miles per hour. This means that if you want to go somewhere outside of your community, you have to drive your golf cart for a long time! This can be a problem if the place you’re trying to go is several miles away. You will probably need to change over to a car.

Another downside to golf cart communities is that they often lack amenities. For example, many of these communities don’t have grocery stores or restaurants. This can be frustrating for residents who have to drive their golf carts long distances just to get basic necessities.

Overall, living in a golf cart community has its pros and cons. While it’s convenient to be able to drive your golf cart around your neighborhood, there are some downsides to this type of life.

Golf Cart Safety

Golf cart safety is very important, especially when compared to car safety. There are many safety regulations in place for golf carts, and it is important to follow them. However, common sense is also important when driving a golf cart. For example, always signals when turning, use mirrors, and wear seat belts. A golf cart doesn’t offer the same level of protection as you get in a car.

In fact as many as 17,000 golf cart related incidents occur each year that require hospital treatment.

Weather Can Be A Problem

Communities based around golf carts are usually going to be built in sunny spots but even then the weather can turn against you. A golf cart is no match for a car in really heavy rain so be prepared to get soaked or better yet wait it out when the weather turns sour.

High Prices

Golf cart developments often attract a premium price which can take them out of reach of many. The increased interest in them is also pushing up the price. However you may think the advantages are worth the extra cost.

Best Golf Cart Communities


The Villages – With over 100 miles of golf cart trails and 56,000 properties this is a massive community. there are 54 golf courses available to residents ranging from 9-hole executive courses to championship and country club courses. Property prices start in the hundreds of thousands up to 2 million dollars.

High Vista at Ridgewood Lakes – with properties ranging up to the low $300,000 this is one of the cheaper options.


Sun City – opened in 1960 and now has 11 golf courses and carts are allowed on the streets. In addition to golf there are plenty of other amenities and social clubs to keep residents amused.

Sun City Grand – properties range up to $1,000,000 on this 4 golf course community.

South Carolina

Sun City Hilton Head – There are around 16,000 residents in this community.

Dataw Island – An 870 acre site with 1,000 homes that has won numerous awards.


Palm Desert – home of the largest golf cart parade for the last 50 years or so!

Laguna Woods Village – as well as 27 holes of golf there’s an equestrian center, tennis courts and a performing arts theater.


Peachtree City – unusually this development is not restricted to over 55s. In fact the median age is 37.5! It is regarded by some as a golf cart mecca.

Osprey Cove – featuring a course by Mark McCumber along with tennis, biking trails and a gym. Homes start at $225,000.

A visit to the villages

What Are Golf Cart Communities: Summary

A golf cart community is a planned development where the golf cart is often the primary or sometimes only form of transport. It makes for a quieter more relaxed lifestyle ideally suited to the retired.

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